
Eleanor's baptism

I finally got my new sword. I am really happy with it, the smith was as much of an artisan as his other work indicated.  I got exactly the slightly forward weighting I wanted, making both parrying and cutting better. Would be a problem if you're not strong enough, but it is perfect for me. Exactly the right dimensions and the trim is beautiful. The steel holds an edge very well, none of the brittle razor sharp bullshit, but an edge that keeps even after cutting up 4 guys in armour. I love it. I'll name her Eleanor! I was optimistic that I'd get an opportunity to baptise her in a fitting liquid quickly. But, if takes a for effing ages to arrange a baptism. I guess it doesn't help in the fight against chaos to just slaughter random people, even if they look funny, but being an inquisitor is more about reading stuff and talking to people than I expected. It gets kinda long-winded after a while...  Sunniva and Johanna look at the poems, but it isn't all that easy to fig

Semita violentiae

From the journal of Johanna Schwarz 19. Brauzeit, 2499 What is the nature of combat? Some see it as the epitome of life itself – the self struggling to overcome obstacles in order to grow and prosper. Some ascribe almost mystical, even divine properties to the clashing of blade on blade. They argue that to face an opponent on the battlefield is a transcendent act, the ultimate collisions of wills. Others compare it to a celebration, a dance, the strikes movements in a careful choreography. What self-serving delusions. Combat is one thing only: Survival, or death. I have seen enough of it in my life to know that when you face someone, the only thing that matters is survival. For those left bleeding out, calling for their mothers and voiding their guts to the sand, calling it sacred, or enjoying the aesthetics of it, is a pure mockery. So you have taken a life, does that make you grander, more attractive, more moral or wiser? If so, then I suggest you marry the next orc chief you encount

Winter is coming

 Winter is fast approaching. We are back in the warm embrace of the town. Away from the undead in their tombs and the chaos worshippers. People are busy everywhere in the city, preparing for the cold months to come. Fortunately, the fire burns bright within me and I am not worried, but Mia needs to learn how to control the flames and I immerse myself in this task. She is a natural and adept student. Impatient but still able to quickly master the art of channeling the warm wind. Small candles turn into torches and torches into fires. Soon she will be able to brighten this blaze as well as fires become pyres. Sweet Sunniva will be happy. Her reading skills are unbelievable considering the short time since she started. Dealing with the corrupted We also seek out High Morr Priest Teidegger. He is shocked at the revelation that another of his knights has fallen sick and hence corrupted to work with the forces of chaos. He will deal with the matter. Johanna is not impressed and wants to put

Interlude: A memory of Remer

  The sun was shining down on a lazy summer morning, as Lyudmila ran down the streets of Remer towards the small port. From her bedroom window she’d seen an unfamiliar ship, with strange, angular markings on the sail heading towards the town. As she reached the pier, she saw the ship had laid to, and the crew were busy unloading masses of crates from the hold. «Dwarfs!», she squealed with delight. She’d heard of the mountain folk, of course, but never seen one up close. They were so short, not more than a bit taller than her, really, but twice as broad. They seemed awful strong though, from how they carried those huge crates on their backs. She’d seen ships unload many times, but there was something endlessly fascinating in seeing how even a modest river barge could vomit up such a large load of stuff. She always imagined how the boxes were really treasure chests, waiting to be opened to spill out spoils of adventure. Watching the dwarves work, she noticed a difference from other ships

The witch meets her doom

Info gathering Not content for the blue wizards to get their act together and find Margareta, we put our own resources to work. We contact Piet and ask that he uses his military and marine contacts in Norden. I use my network in around Salzenmund in the higher circles, as well as the street gangs. Johan spreads word through his shady (but highly useful) crew. Then we settle in to wait. The band uses the time in various ways.  I spend some time in the hidden library (after getting an introductory letter from Johanna), reading up on necromancy. It's sometimes tedious, sometimes bone-chilling, sometimes boring work - but it's necessary. I've found that knowledge more than martial prowess will be what lets us prevail over the dark forces. Strong arms and steel are plentiful - lore is not.    I also manage to finally procure an elf bow - on my own! I can't help but gloat a little to Johan, who takes it better than he should. Combat isn't my forte, but with this bow and s

Back at it, finally

The Inquisitor's aide tells me that Ostana has found something that fits my "skills" and "temper" better. Ulric knows what the whiny little coward means, I'm sure he's rude, but I don't care. I get to actually do some damage to a bunch of cultists. 'Bout damn time. There are people who like guard-duty to mean standing around waiting for someone to take a shot, but I'd rather go around delivering the good news. He hands me a letter and tells me where to go, where to find this Inquisitor Johanna. She's a real hard charger, I¨'m told, and I like that. The aide leads me out, but outside he's a little slow as usual, and I "accidentally" bump him across the railing and into the middens. I don't think he heard me when I mumbled 'talk your way outta that', but heres hoping. I meet Johanna and her crew, and they seem nice enough. A little rough around the edges, but if what I hear is true, that is well earned. Except


Smoldering ruins. Burned flesh and bone. Smell of blood and iron. The population of Norden is severely decimated. People are either dead, wounded or scattered to the countryside. Priests arrive steadily, healing the wounded, helping with burials and restoration of the cemetery. We however have no time for such things. Loose ends must be tied up. Remaining Death Jesters and Gregor Steiner must be apprehended and burned. Johanna and I see things with the same clarity here. Cleansing through fire. Cleanse the world of certain people and avoid further chaos and bloodshed. Maybe the witch hunters are on to something and I think I can help. Death Jesters are outlawed. Steiner supposedly sailed for Salzenmund not 2 days ago. We get a handsome reward and this compensates somewhat for what we lost in coin during our capture. Spirits run high.   Piet however decides to remain in Norden and will be given a role in the second fleet. Good man lost. The Elf is gone too. No one knows precisel