The wonders of Altdorf

Having emptied our personal coffers on the magical weapons, we decide it's time to leave Marienburg before we're utterly penniless. We ride out of the city, and get fleeced a last time from the guy running the stables (I refuse to call him stablemaster - more like stableswindler), where we leave our horses. We secure passage with the riverwardens up to Altdorf. The journey is uneventful (Johanna manages to tactfully ignore the riverwardens' rather blatant corruption), and after 10 days we arrive in glorious Altdorf! Altdorf and a most merry night If you ignore the smell that is. Hoooooooly Shallya, I had forgotten how bad it is when you sail into the city! It's not as bad when you get further in (partially because you get used to it), and we quickly make our way to my favorite inn in the city - The Fat Lady's Beard. A place known for merriment, good beds for both sleeping and funny business and a lot of info moving through it. The food's not half bad either. W...