Eldur unleashed

Underground Will this be the day I remember as the start of Eldur's fall? Or does it signify his rise into the bright wizards' upper echelons, where power trumps sanity and the mighty are forgiven their transgressions, simply because they are mighty and too useful? Either way, it's quickly becoming clear that my brother is a powder keg, in many ways. There's tremendous power there, but it's also incredibly volatile. A fitting analogy for Eldur. It started out in the very useful way. Talian snuck ahead to scout. He came back to tell us there were around 20-30 minor undead up ahead, with some sort of glowing figure in the middle. We discussed how to best deal with them, when Eldur just started chanting - loudly. The inflection in his voice is different now. It's almost as if he's chanting in several voices at the same time , from bass tones to the highest tenor. But the worst part is...some of the sounds he makes definitely don't sound human. Especially ...