
Showing posts from February, 2025

The wonders of Altdorf

Having emptied our personal coffers on the magical weapons, we decide it's time to leave Marienburg before we're utterly penniless. We ride out of the city, and get fleeced a last time from the guy running the stables (I refuse to call him stablemaster - more like stableswindler), where we leave our horses. We secure passage with the riverwardens up to Altdorf. The journey is uneventful (Johanna manages to tactfully ignore the riverwardens' rather blatant corruption), and after 10 days we arrive in glorious Altdorf!  Altdorf and a most merry night If you ignore the smell that is. Hoooooooly Shallya, I had forgotten how bad it is when you sail into the city! It's not as bad when you get further in (partially because you get used to it), and we quickly make our way to my favorite inn in the city - The Fat Lady's Beard. A place known for merriment, good beds for both sleeping and funny business and a lot of info moving through it. The food's not half bad either.  W...

Fodimus in praeteritum

 From the journal of Johanna Schwarz, Witch hunter general 3. Sigmarzeit, 2500 With Hierkeit marching eastward, ostensibly to search  for the Dark master’s lair on our behalf, along with her vile, sacrilegious retinue, we slunk back to the city. The entire region is in peril now, as Salzenmund’s defense against the undead is gone. War will be on our doorsteps soon, and our defenses must be prepared. This is certainly no time for the Baron to be off playing at being an admiral. In his absence – and possibly even in his presence? – the dowager Baroness is the power of the land, so we seek an audience. Thankfully, my recently acquired rank means she is amenable to talk. It is interesting to finally meet a person we’ve heard of for quite a long time. Immediately, she seems formidable, and quite different from her son. Where he is effusive, boisterous and full of self-indulgent charm, she’s short, clipped and incisive, with a penetrating gaze that seems to know more than she lets o...

Tentatio tenebrarum

From the journal of Johanna Schwarz, Witch Hunter General 27. Pflugzeit, 2500 I sometimes wonder whether those who have succumbed to the corrupting influences of the forces of chaos at one time imagined themselves heroes, fighting for what is true and right. Lady Hierkeit, for one. Was she a stalwart witch hunter before she was turned into a blood-sucking monstrosity? Did she imagine that gaining the power of the undead would enable her to better fight the enemies of the empire? Did she enter the dark pact willingly, thinking she could do more good than harm? And at what point does the end goal – to save humanity from the dark forces, fade into the background, and the thirst for ever more power take over? Was it a gradual process, or is it a sudden epiphany? I hope never to find out, but the more I learn about the malevolent forces gnawing at the structure of our world, the more I can see how insidious the promise of power can be. For do we not all yearn for power, when confronte...