The witch meets her doom

Info gathering Not content for the blue wizards to get their act together and find Margareta, we put our own resources to work. We contact Piet and ask that he uses his military and marine contacts in Norden. I use my network in around Salzenmund in the higher circles, as well as the street gangs. Johan spreads word through his shady (but highly useful) crew. Then we settle in to wait. The band uses the time in various ways. I spend some time in the hidden library (after getting an introductory letter from Johanna), reading up on necromancy. It's sometimes tedious, sometimes bone-chilling, sometimes boring work - but it's necessary. I've found that knowledge more than martial prowess will be what lets us prevail over the dark forces. Strong arms and steel are plentiful - lore is not. I also manage to finally procure an elf bow - on my own! I can't help but gloat a little to Johan, who takes it better than he should. Combat isn't my forte, but with this bow and s...