The witch meets her doom

Info gathering

Not content for the blue wizards to get their act together and find Margareta, we put our own resources to work. We contact Piet and ask that he uses his military and marine contacts in Norden. I use my network in around Salzenmund in the higher circles, as well as the street gangs. Johan spreads word through his shady (but highly useful) crew. Then we settle in to wait. The band uses the time in various ways. 

I spend some time in the hidden library (after getting an introductory letter from Johanna), reading up on necromancy. It's sometimes tedious, sometimes bone-chilling, sometimes boring work - but it's necessary. I've found that knowledge more than martial prowess will be what lets us prevail over the dark forces. Strong arms and steel are plentiful - lore is not.   

I also manage to finally procure an elf bow - on my own! I can't help but gloat a little to Johan, who takes it better than he should. Combat isn't my forte, but with this bow and some arrows, my contribution will be a liiittle bit better. 

Torgil, of course, uses the chance to go to the elven forest and try to find his ward. I ask if there's any chance for him to bring back an elven bow for me, but he doesn't seem very interested in helping. Still with a thorn in his side...a good thing his main use is in combat. 

But to be honest, I'm pretty sore about the whole thing. I've grown rather fond of Torgil, but the ice wall he puts up between us over what I see as a rather minor incident (under very mitigating circumstances!) means we are nothing more than business partners. I forget sometimes that he's got the emotional maturity of someone 10 years his junior, what with living in the woods for most of his life. Hopefully - for his sake more than anything - he'll grow wiser with time. 


In the meantime, Johanna comes back to the house with a little bratling named Mia. Johanna says the witch hunters have had her in their care, given that she's got a penchant for magic. And wouldn't you know, she's as fond of fire as Eldur! 

We have a little talk with the girl, all grown up (in her own eyes) at the age of 14. She's feisty and stubborn, perfect attributes for an Aqshy mage. She's been accused of witch craft, of course. In another realm, her corpse would already have grown cold and the ashes spread by the four winds. She's lucky the witch hunters here are more...pragmatic. 

I prod and test her over a few hours, seeing if she has the resolve, flexibility and fortitude for this path. She and Eldur are both oblivious to this of course, prattling away about the wonders of magic. Eldur can't help but show off, and Mia can't hide that she's somewhat in awe. 

We debrief with Johanna, and both agree that Eldur can take her on as her apprentice. Johanna has written a contract, where Eldur takes responsibility for her actions. We agree that I'll help Mia learn to read and write (and at the same time, teach her a thing or two about the world and being a woman in it), while Eldur concentrates on her magical studies. 

Burrow valley

After a few weeks, we finally get a lead on Margareta - and from an unexpected source! Torgil returns from the forest, having spoken to...some elves (he wasn't too forthcoming about the details). Apparently there has been necromantic activity spotted in a place called Burrow Valley not far away from Salzenmund. It's a place with a lot of grave mounds, now abandoned. On a more disturbing note, he also says Malice is now firmly ensconced at Wrecker's Point...

The entry to the valley is through a small crevice. Inside, hundreds of forgotten and neglected tombs are spread out - a perfect area for a necromancer. After a little while, me and Torgil find human tracks. Just 1 person, not too long ago...

Moving on ahead, the valley narrows, and the plants form almost a ceiling above us, before we come to an actual cave. Standing guard are two undead in full plate armor, clearly ethereal. Eldur senses that something is wrong - possibly an illusion. 

We decide on a plan where we try to take out the undead from afar. Eldur goes airborne on a pillar of fire and sends a great fires towards the two undead. The undead charge us, going straight for the melee monkeys. Victor proves himself quite...clumsy, missing a lot and getting big hits. In this fight that's a bit of a problem, seeing as he's the only one with a magical weapon...Eldur helps with some tiny darts, and finally Victor scores a gigantic blow. 

The illusion unveils, and FINALLY we confront Margareta! She's also got two gigantic dire wolves, clearly enhanced by her magic. 

The battle is short but furious. Victor scores a big hit on Margareta, then falls to the swirling mist surrounding her, which lashes out when he hits her.  Eldur is locked in a magical battle with Margareta - I hate to think of what would happen if he hadn't been there! Torgil scores a couple of major hits as well, one of his arrows hitting the witch square in the chest. As she staggers and falls to one knee, Johanna sees her opening. She charges the witch and cuts her head clean off with one stroke. 

Kort tid så resten blir i bullet points: 

  • Finner 4 vials og en journal med 4 potensielle victims som hun jobber med eller har overbevist: temple guard i Morr's garden i Salzen, guildmaster for stevedores, noble woman i Norden (bank), kommandant for regiment i Dietershafen 
  • Finner deeds på flere properties
  • Verdipapir verdt 4k
  • I dagboka skriver hun at det har gått verre etter at vi har myrda alle folkene hennes
  • Planen var som vi antok, få ut chalicen - men da skulle hennes master raze Salzenmund! 
  • "My dark master in a dark fortress in the forest of Shadows"
  • Ta ut vampyren fra morr's garden var plan b, håpet på chaos slik at chalicen ble tatt ut av byen


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