Scutum aut malleo

From the journal of Johanna Schwarz: The most insidious aspect of the forces of chaos is how they wither all they touch, their destructive power working long after their agents are vanquished. Malice was gone, at last, but her corruption was not. As we gathered in the wasteland that was once Dunkelkeifer, we could feel her vengeful breath breathing down our necks from beyond the grave. Both Johann and Eldur were pale and sick, ready to collapse at any point. We were all wounded, but their wounds showed the sickly tinge of blood rot. I’ve seen it before, after large battles, and many are the soldiers who have survived a hard battle, only to die in pain in bed days later. And Viktor was gone. Making makeshift sleds to lay our wounded comrades on, we made our way to the camp the villagers of Wulfhaven. They were many of them in bad shape, but cheered us as heroes for dispelling the evil pall that had cursed the land. Surveying the wounded and sick, we decided to seek refuge in one of...