Daemons on fire
Chasing demons is a game of patience. They are caught through their followers and chasing their worshippers is as fickle and fragile like the flame of a candle. They are easily spooked. Flame extinguished and gone forever. We have to find a way to fan the flames and smoke them out. Many of our clues have however gone cold. But a few remain still and we do not despair. Life still goes on while checking out leads and surveilling the last targets we know, I for one spend my days with Mia, teaching her the ways of Aqshy and some investigative skills at the same time.
Johanna and sweet Sunniva have been summoned. Posh dinner with the elector count, von Gosser. As Johanna prepares and Sweet Sunniva coaches her in etiquette, Victor polishes his sword. Ever eager to cleave someone in two. He is also attending the dinner though I doubt they will let him sit at the big table. We can do nothing but wait now. We have surveillance on the tunnels. The rumor is out about the apprehension of the cult member and I am confident that it will reach the ears of that corrupt sergeant. We expect her to slip up somehow and give us a clue to the whereabouts of the other members or perhaps some other meeting place.
Keeping a close eye and tailing the sergeant at all hours we discover that she visits a nondescript house in the common quarters. We will need to find out more about this place. Johan immediately starts inquiries as to who lives there and we prepare for the eventuality to enter this house. A slow rumble goes through me as I envision it burning to ashes. Mia tugs my robes as cinders and ash flake off from my fingertips. The houses are too close together for any sort of exact and separate disintegration into ashes anyway. We laugh it off together, the notion of setting the whole common quarter on fire just to rid the world of some demon worshippers. What folly. That is Mia laughs rather nervously since I am actually a little entertained by the idea. I think she senses it. Well, it is s solid backup plan for sure.
Being out and about is nevertheless better
than moping at the house where the situation is a strange one for Johanna. Sweet
Sunniva and her fret and worry about what the dinner will bring. It is clear
that too much attention from the upper tiers of society is not without risk. Johanna's
actions will not only be scrutinized but I fear there are powers that ---seek
to control or curb them. Tensions rise as the hour draws near. Sweet Sunniva's
game plan is clear: “Staus quo”. We need
all the help we can get against the forces of evil but we do not need the
involvement of politics to cloud the path forward. Therefore, if Von Gosser is happy
with a little dinner and storytime now while we wrap up the demon worshippers
it is probably for the best.
We learn Leo has a new job at a rich family. Von Kalbach. We might have to look into this family as well. Sunniva knows little about them but it is perhaps not so strange though that a famous champion is hired as elite guard for those with gold to spare. We have seen that he is a formidable fighter.
Dinner and the chosen one(s)
As Johanna, Sweet Sunniva and Victor prep
the last details and iron out the creases in clothes, reports emerge that the
girl we are looking for, the red haired “chosen one” has been spotted and seemingly
lives in the non-descript house the sergeant visited in the common quarters.
Interesting indeed.
No time to do much before dinner. Good
thing I didn’t burn it to the ground earlier. Any type of action against the
girl and whoever lives there with her has to wait until later. We decide to set
up heavy surveillance and figure out the best way to enter the house while we
Suppertime and the castle is very grand. Von
Gosser is a militant ruler. Guards and cannons everywhere as if the city is under
siege. With so many huge cannons he is surely compensating for something. Sunniva
told me though he is married with two kids. His wife Marisse does not live in
the city however. I guess running the North leaves little time for family. Lets
hope (for his sake) he doesn’t try anything funny with sister.
Sunniva and Johanna are seated with a lot of
important people while Victor is sent downstairs with the servants. All upper class power players. They all want
to hear Johanna's exploits.
Fashionably late, Gosser enters with a grey
robed “advisor”. Johanna is for a moment at the center of attention as she tells,
in full details, how Norden was saved. They are of course very impressed and von
Gosser basks in their moment of fame, taking full credit I am sure.
There is a'lot of good food and wine and in
the course of the next 5 hours we learn the following:
-The robed advisor cryptically exclaims
that “there is a bloody moon on the horizon”. We fear that he is somehow
involved in all of this.
-Von Gosser wants to expand in the north by
taking the important border city Salkalten away from Ostland and back to
Nordland. Von Gosser is looking for a reason to intervene against the rulers
there. Corruption and suspicion of occult dealings would be a good one. If only
the witchhunters found foul workings there like in Norden. Johanna is tasked to
look into this as soon as possible.
Meanwhile downtown, Mia and I observe beggars
coming and going out the house and we see that they are receiving food handouts
from a “priest”. I pull one of the beggars aside and inspect the food package.
The food is accompanied by short religious verses referring to Suth. This is surely
the only proof we need. The last log on
the funeral pyre. The house must be some sort of church or temple to Suth. It
has to go.
Up at the castle but down in the kitchen Victor
hears many rumors as servants gossip amongst themselves. Some juicy ones are that
its actually von Gossers mother running the show and probably through the grey-robed
man. The mother also has some sort of a secret
room next to the dining area where she can see and monitor everything and
everybody at the dinner.
We swap stories later that night and decide
that the house indeed must be taken but we have to check it for escape tunnels
first. We have no reason to think that they are anticipating us and taking this
precaution will prove valuable.
Cultists everywhere
The Suth-house is three stories with
probable basement, doors on both sides to the street. We contact the rat
catchers guild and employ them to find possible tunnels leading into the
cellar. Unfortunately this delays our operation another day as the guild is
unable to give information without a search themselves. You would think they
had the whole place mapped out somehow but not this area I guess. One more day
passes before Johan and Torgil are invited to enter the tunnels below to see
the entrance to the house with one of the rat catchers. All does however not go
as planned. After a short while they are ambushed! We should have known. Blast!
With the delay it was folly of us to send just the two of them down there. In
total seven well armed men and the rat catcher guide jump them. A terrible
fight ensues but Johan and Torgil, the
ghost of Salzemund, make the attackers pay with their lives. Understandably
upset by these events they take the bodies to the Rat catchers guild where even
more trouble awaits. Several more members are part of the Khorne cult and they
attack. Already reeling from the events in the tunnels there is no other choice
but to try to escape. They succeed. But vengeance will be had. Bodies will
The temple of Suth
As the element of surprise is clearly gone we quickly heal up and rush to the house. I channel the fiery hot wind and we prepare for battle. We bring some soldiers as well and surround the house, but all to no use. Of course we find it empty. The element of surprise is gone. A quick search reveals tunnels in the basement where all traces and tracks disappear. Suspecting they went in the direction of their underground temple we make haste and enter the tunnels there. After some time we discover tracks and after following those for a while with the tunnels narrowing in on us demonic inscriptions on the walls. Inscriptions hint at a Khorne place of worship. I sense heavy magic in the air. Something evil stirs ahead. The cave narrows down to a crawl. Scouting reveals a omnious chamber with blood spatters and chains hanging from the ceiling. Taking no chances I channel forth and unleash one of the Great fires in the area. The room is charred, chains melted and any sign of life turned to ashes. However upon entering the room we see an adjourning disturbing room meant for bloodletting and sacrifice and upon closer inspection a grotesque and horrible demon emerges from the pool of blood in the ground.
Terror and fear
strikes us all and the soldiers break ranks. The demon is unnaturally quick and
effortlessly kills a guard and seriously maims another before the reamaining
guards run away. A very tough battle ensues but we emerge victorious. We are
forced to take a break to patch up and heal substantial and critical wounds. No
more clues to the whereabouts of the girls are found here but this was surely a
gatekeeper or guardian of sorts. We must be getting close. The tunnels go on
from here and after recovering the soldiers that fled and me blessing them and
making them fearless by instilling the courage of Aqshy in them we move on .
The inner sanctum
Moving on we come in to two doors where one
leads to a room of evil contemplation and devil worship. The only comfort
inside is a single burning flame hovering midair in the center.
Assessing the situation poorly we rush on
and enter the larger double doors dumping us right in the middle of a big
chamber with three robed figures and four of the remaining Khorne champions, Leo
and the sergeant among them. Disaster. The enemy and we are both a bit surprised
at each other’s presence but quickly gather ourselves and a fierce fight
ensues. At the back of the room, we eye three very similar red haired “chosen
one” girls, bound tight up against the the wall. Our prize. It is unclear what
the situation is here but there is little time for questions. Swords are drawn
and arrows fly. I conjure forth scathing tendrils of beautiful red fire and black
smoke and I manage to entangle the robed figures setting them ablaze at the
same time. They squeal in agony and this most likely distracts them a little in
case they are capable of channeling some evil wind of magic. Throughout the
course of battle, Torgil manages to pluck them down one by one. I am still uncertain
what their capabilities were but I think we were lucky that we did not find
Two of the champions immediately transform
into demons and we brace for impact as they start their trashing. The soldiers fortunately
hold fast this time and seem more capable. Perhaps it is the courage of Aqshy
still lingering and giving them hope in this time of peril. I manage to
entangle Leo as well, engulfing him in flames. It is an incredibly tough battle
but again we prevail and come out victorious. Some of us are badly wounded
though. Johanna and I do our best patching people up. Several of the soldiers
are dead.
We quickly search the bodies and gather up
the girls. Leo has a magical weapon. This most likely helped him in that fight
with the Ogre.
A gruesome choice
The girls are quickly taken to witch
hunters headquarters for safe keeping and interrogation We stick them in
individual cells. Only one of them can be the true child. We need to figure out
which one or we might be forced to kill all of them. Victor is in bad shape but
I manage to cauterize his wounds. The magic in me is however so strong it
surges tremendously causing flames up to the ceiling and leaving poor Victor
with a rather nasty scar across his chest while he falls unconscious for a good
Having finished this bit of business we now
go back to house to thoroughly search and ransack the place. We find subtle
symbols of Suth everywhere. No other real clues though. All three girls seem to
have lived there. We call upon priests to purge and cleanse the Khorne sacrificial
site and temple. Turns out the house served as a Suth temple and had been there
for 15 yrs! Right under everyone’s noses.
Interrogation of the girls start and it
proves difficult to spot the tainted one.
I catch myself leaning back whilst
discussions concerning the right course of action trickle in and supervise Mias
lessons instead and daydreaming about expanding the library and creating a local Aqshy school of wizardry. I will need
a tower though. One taller than those celestial nitwits.
Experienced priestesses of Shayla check the
girls but they finds no evident signs of evil in any of them. The girls all stem
from different places in the north. They were all kidnapped at the age of six.
Solrun, 7 yrs, kidnapped from Norden.
Sonja, 8 yrs, kidnapped from around Wreckers
Sigrid, 9 yrs, ago kidnapped from a small
fishing village on the edges in Norland.
They have all been severely indoctrinated
with the teachings of Suth. Pressing them for any details we learn that the main
robed mastermind or “high priest” is a woman!
Furthermore, a signet ring most likely
gives away her identity. We always suspected she was form the noble part. The
ring is the sigil of Von Kalbach. Now the pieces fit better as it is the same
family that employed Leo.
Girls are examined in detail. Hair shaved
and. No signs of chaos on their body. Frustrated we slowly succumb to the
reality that perhaps all three must be killed to ensure that the prophesy is
That night Johanna has a dream and in her
dream Solrun comes out as the chosen one.
Unsure what to make of this Johanna
consults both the priests of Shayla and the Celestial college. Can we believe
the dream? Can we trust it? What if it is a trick? Unsurprisingly no clear
answer comes from those celestial clowns. Shayla however gives advice that
Johanna should follow her heart and that she knows what the truth is concerning
the authenticity of the dreams.
In that case Solrun is the chosen one.
Solrun could fulfill the evil prophesy.
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